Foldable bed in nursing homes

encouraging the application of humour between informal caregivers and people with dementia


Author: Luttikhold, R.V.M.
Contributor: Anderiesen, H., Christiaans, H.H.C.M.
Faculty: Industrial Design Engineering
Department: IPD
Type: Master thesis
Date: 9-2-2012
Keywords: Care bed | Removeable chair | Nursing Home | Foldable | Dementia

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Development of a care bed which can be pulled up into a closet, so more space is created in the room. The bed also helps the client with standing up from horizontal position till standing position.

The design of a new type of care bed for small-scale living facilities in nursing homes. The bed is designed for people with dementia. The rooms in small-scale livingfacilities of clients are very small. When they want to welcome visitors there is often not enough space in the room to sit together. This new care bed can be transformed into a standing up chair. After that position it is possible to pull the bed entirely up into a closet. By this movement much space is created in the living room. Getting a client out of bed is a completed action which requires much time and is labour-intensive work for the caregiver. The bed helps the caregiver with getting the client out of bed. The client self is also able to stand up with help of the bed. Standing up goes on a smooth, consecutive and very efficient way. The appearance of the bed is cosy. Dark wood is used because this type of appearance is recognisable for the generation of clients who live in small-scale living facili- ties these days.