Showcase projects

1. Dressing up an electronic structure machine learning code

Artem Pulkin (Faculty of Applied Science)

Project description
The aim of this project is to dress up an in-house electronic structure machine-learning code. The code is used and developed as a fast alternative to *certain* density functional theory electronic structure calculations. The visibility of the code needs to be increased: set up documentation, tutorials, manage dependencies, etc. Also, propose and re-work the core part of the code which is currently a single cython file constructed from templates.

Role of the DCC
In this project we work on increasing the visibility of the software package - improve the readme, installation instructions, setup documentation infrastructure, co-develop tutorials for users, add developer documentation, dependency management, versioning and packaging. We provide recommendations on re-working the core part of the code which is currently a single Cython file constructed from templates.

2. MitC Graphical User Interface

Maria Nogal Macho (Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences)

Project description
The research deals with the development of an automated risk-mitigation tool for construction projects, namely the Mitigation Controller (MitC). MitC is a state-of-the-art tool that can assist project managers to have a full grip on the progress of their running construction projects. It takes as input a complete project schedule and returns several outputs that help the project manager take actions to prevent potential delays. 

Role of the DCC
In this project we develop a Graphical User Interface for the existing algorithm. The GUI is designed to give TU Delft students access to the risk-mitigation tool without the need for any prior coding experience. We will support the researchers in setting up a public GitHub repository to host the GUI, following FAIR principles.

3. Interactive Datacube

Gary Steele (Faculty of Applied Science)

Project description
The aim of the project is to develop a fast, interactive visualization and analysis tool for multidimensional datasets that are embedded inside a Jupyter Notebook, with a modular plug-in support for generic input formats and metadata. The tool needs to be embedded into the existing data management structure of the research group.

Role of the DCC
In this project we convert core features of the current version of the visualization tool to an interactive Jupyter Notebook. We will evaluate multiple libraries for interactive analysis in Jupyter Notebooks and develop a robust and modular framework for future development. Furthermore, we will map and document the current data management pipeline.

4. Time Travel: HGIS Mapping Platform

Carola Hein (Faculty of Architecture and Building Environment)

Project description
Time Travel offers a sustainable platform to facilitate collaboration for historical geo-spatial mapping (HGIS) in and beyond TU Delft.
The Time Travel project with the DCC is a collaborative initiative  to set up reproducible workflows for research data and software within the Delft Digital Humanities group. This group’s research requires automation and protocols for processing, analysing, and  sharing historical and geospatial data.

Role of the DCC
In this project we identify challenges and opportunities for the implementation of FAIR principles within research outputs generated by the DDH group. To do this, we co-create and develop code examples, tutorials, community guidelines, documentation, and a basic programming workshop to build new research software and data management capabilities within this research group. Furthermore, we configure tools and introduce techniques to increase project collaboration and sharing among researchers in the group.

5. African Rainfall Project made FAIR

Nick van de Giesen (Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences)

Project description
Volunteers from the World Community Grid are helping to understand rainfall in Africa, by producing components of a continent-wide simulation of storms across Sud-Saharan Africa. By making specific simulation results easy and efficient to search through and download, the project aims to put data at the service of experts and volunteers around the world.

Role of the DCC
In this project we help researchers to re-organize the data stored in billions of netCDF files such that simulation results become FAIR. At the same time, we scope and execute efficient solutions for handling and storage of these large datasets. We also support the design and development of a web application, optimized according to the FAIR principles, to share data with volunteers and experts.


DCC Showcase Project: What was achieved and Added value