Strategic Plan

Open Science is creating new forms of scientific interaction that were impossible or undreamed of in an earlier age. This has a strong impact on core academic processes like research, education and innovation. It is, for instance, easier to replicate an experiment if the relevant data sets are digitally available to any scientist who wishes to corroborate her colleague’s findings. TU Delft wishes Open Science to be the default way of practising research and education, transitioning from an 'information era' to an 'open era'. It is TU Delft’s ambition to be and stay frontrunner in this revolutionary process.

Open Science Programme 2020-2024: Research and Education in the Open Era

The Open Science Programme 2020-2024, Research and Education in the Open Era, (OSP in short) addresses key areas of scholarly engagement where restrictions limit the flow of academic knowledge. It proposes innovative approaches to the process of research, education, and innovation, with a strong focus on academic rewarding and recognition, collaboration with third parties, and the development of skills.

TU Delft Open Science 2024-2028

The next TU Delft Open Science programme, TU Delft OS in short, runs from 2024-2028 and takes into account the lessons learnt from the previous period 2020-2024, responding to policy developments at a national level and bottom-up developments. TU Delf OS acknowledges the need for a broader uptake of open practices by the faculties while it sees the potential of a leading role for TU Delft (inter)nationally, supporting the excellent work of its employees and students.