
Weird characters on profile pages

Publications on profile pages not displaying diacritics properly .

A persistent bug regarding UTF-encoding / diacritics handling gave profile pages a weird <?> character instead of the actual diacritic. Finally, the source of this issue has been found and subsequently fixed. Profile pages will now (finally) display diacritics the way they should be.

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Broken EventWidget

EventWidget no longer working

Due to a massive overhaul of our RSS output, we sort of forgot to correct a few namespaces on which the EventWidget relies. Long story short; it broke down, only to generate an error message. Luckily a swift hotfix was written and published and all our EventWidgets are working again as they should.

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Linkbuilder in card-element

Links were not generated properly.

When using the link builder (the chain-icon in the editor) to create links instead of entering the page-id manually, a bug appeared regarding the behaviour of inheriting the metadata and title. Due to the formatting of the link, the system could not fetch the actual metadata. Changes were made and the issue was fixed.

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