Online Workshop – Developing an inclusive mindset in the workplace

07 februari 2024 20:00 t/m 21:30 - Locatie: Online | Zet in mijn agenda

Online workshop for alumni

This workshop is an opportunity for alumni to come together and explore unconscious gender biases and the obstacles women may face in their careers. You will create a plan of action to practice new behaviors and track your progress. Let's enable an inclusive workplace for everyone.

Host Margaret Welten
Margaret Welten, Career Counselor at TU Delft, is a certified professional coach with the International Coach Federation (ICF). Prior to this, for over 20 years, she was an Human Resources Business Partner in national and international companies. Here at TU Delft she helps students, early career academics and alumni, transition to their next career step. Born in Scotland, Margaret relocated to the Netherlands in 2009. Having worked in corporate and academic environments and made the transition to live abroad, Margaret fully understands the challenges working and living in an international environment brings.