Imran Ashraf

PostDoc at the Computer Engineering Group of the Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS/EWI), Delft University of Technology.


  • Embedded multi-core systems for mixed criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real-time environments (EMC2) is an ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking project in the Innovation Pilot Programme ‘Computing platforms for embedded systems’ (AIPP5).


  • Smart Multicore Embedded Systems (SMECY) project, which envisioned developing programming and design methods, multi-core architectural solutions and associated supporting tools to enable the exploitation of many-core architectures.
  • Delft Workbench which is a semi-automatic tool platform for integrated HW/SW co-design, targeting heterogeneous computing systems containing reconfigurable components. The Delft Workbench addresses the entire design cycle from profiling and partitioning to synthesis and compilation of an application. My focus was on advanced profiling.

Advanced Profiling and Workload Characterization of Applications for Heterogeneous Multicore Computing Plateforms.


  • MCProf: A runtime Memory and Communication Profiler which generates detailed application profile in terms of memory access patterns and data-communication at function and loop-level granularity. It is based on Intel Pin Dynamic Binary Instrumentation (DBI) framework.
  • PET: Partition Evaluation Tool is an open source tool which can perform partition evaluation of various partitioning algorithms.
  • IN4342 Embedded System Lab
  • ET4381 Advanced Multicore Systems
  • ET4174 System Programming in C
  • IN4073 Embedded Real Time Systems

Imran Ashraf