
15 oktober 2020

Design for Circular Economy in Indonesia

De sectie Design for Sustainability (DfS) van IO is onlangs benaderd om bij te dragen aan een Road to the 4th Indonesia Circular Economy Forum - een webinar met ministers, vertegenwoordigers van het bedrijfsleven en ngo's.

14 september 2020

TU Delft Global Drinking Water Best Paper Award 2020

TU Delft Global Drinking Water Best Paper Award 2020

TU Delft | Global Drinking Water announces: The Best Paper Award 2020. Submissions are welcome from 15 September until 15 October 2020.

19 juli 2020

Institutional Collaboration in Vietnam during COVID-19

Institutional Collaboration in Vietnam during COVID-19

How can intercountry collaboration continue during COVID-19, where borders are closed and everyone is working from home? Juliette Eulderink, a Young Water Expert working on capacity building in South East Asia, based in Vietnam, reflects on this new form of partnership. “We had to become very creative in this new situation, and re-prioritise our project activities.”

16 juli 2020

Addis Ababa Living Lab: One Year Later

Addis Ababa Living Lab: One Year Later

The joint TU Delft and NWO-WOTRO funded research project ‘Addis Ababa Living Lab’ kicked off one year ago, in May 2019. Over the last year, a team of researchers from TU Delft and the Ethiopian Institute for Architecture Building Construction and City Development (EiABC) have been working together on the first research outputs to achieve the project’s goal: to improve the livelihood of Addis Ababa’s resettlement dwellers.

02 juli 2020

Bricks made out of mud and cow-dung to regulate indoor climate

Bricks made out of mud and cow-dung to regulate indoor climate

During his research career, Yask Kulshreshtha has been on a quest to invent new building materials that are affordable, locally available and help to reuse organic waste materials. He has for instance developed solutions to make traditional mud houses in rural India water resistant.

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