Daisy care seat

A mobile care seat for elderly in the last stage of their lives


Author: Unsal, D.
Contributor: Molenbroek, J.F.M., Langeveld, L.H.
Faculty: Industrial Design Engineering
Department: Applied Ergonomics, Product Engineering
Programme: Master of Science Integrated Product Design
Type: Master thesis
Date: 28-2-2012
Keywords: Seat | Care |Elderly | Terminal | Mobile | Transfer | Nursing Home

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Many elderly are unable to move any parts of their body anymore. Instead of staying in a care bed all day, they may still experience life. Therefore, they reside in a mobile care seat. Currently, a patient lifter is used to get the elderly into the seat. The corresponding transfer procedure is takes up a lot of time, effort and puts a lot of strain on the elderly and the caretakers.

This new design proposes an alternative (already present) transfer procedure, which is quicker and easier. This is achieved by a seat that can stretch and then be erected into a seat again. This seat lets the elderly sit in it, sleep in it and receive care in it.
