Indoor shoe for falls prevention

Indoor shoe for prevention of falls among older persons


Author: Halilovic, A.
Contributor: Molenbroek, J.F.M., Van der Cammen, T.
Faculty: Industrial Design Engineering
Department: Design Engineering
Programme: Master of Science Design for Interaction
Type: Master thesis
Date: 29-9-2014
Keywords: Shoe | Prevention | Falls | Elderly | Indoor | Slipper | Safe | Comfort

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This project focuses on fall risk among older persons, where inadequate footwear increases the fall risk. Therefore insight is needed of what is considered as safe shoes, in order to design ideal shoes that prevents older persons from falling, based on program of requirements. The Design Focus that came from the research was to design indoor footwear, providing the convenience and comfort of slippers, with the stability and the support of a sturdy shoe. It should encourage seniors to wear sturdy household shoes rather than soft step-in slippers, which offer a lack of fixation and higher the risk of falls. Designing a safe, and at the same time convenient and comfortable slipper, can change the perspective and wearing habit of the consumer, preventing falls among seniors.

In 2005 a study was done by a former student (B.H.Y. Oei) of TU Delft in design of footwear for the prevention of falls among seniors. The graduation project resulted in an extensive program of requirements and a manufactured model of the shoe, where the shoe company, called Intersko, initiated making a prototype of the shoe. From the final user tests of the shoe it was clear that the prototype could use some ad- justing and redesign. This project again included collaboration with Instersko a shoe selling company and the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering TU Delft. The focus was mostly on redesign of the ideal footwear for seniors for prevention of falls with new assessment meth- ods. Tests were done on gait parameters using the GAITRite* walkway (an electronic walkway system). The aim of this report is to present two phases, which consist out of research (First part) and product develop- ment (Second Part). Research was to gain knowledge about cause of fall incidents with new assessment methods and to have view on different perspectives regarding ideal footwear for older persons. Results of the research and exploration helped to formulate design requirements for new shoe concept.