Predicting the Risk of Adverse Drug Reactions in Older Inpatients

External Validation of the GerontoNet ADR Risk Score Using the CRIME Cohort


Petrovic M, Tangiisuran B, Rajkumar C, van der Cammen T, Onder G.

Drugs Aging. 2017 Feb;34(2):135-142. doi: 10.1007/s40266-016-0428-4. PMID: 28000156




What are the potential benefits of introducing technological innovations when working on issues with a wider societal impact? Focusing on a specific care and housing corporation for elderly people, the Sustainable System Innovation process has been used to translate an innovation challenge on macro societal level: “How can we deal with the challenges that occur due to the aging of society?” to a concrete innovation challenge on microtechnological and user level: “How can a tracking device be designed for optimal use by elderly person and care giver?”