Dhanaji Naikwadi

Dhanaji Naikwadi obtained his MSc in Organic chemistry at the Dr. B.A.M. University India in 2016. From 2016 to 2017,  he worked as a lecturer in the Department of Chemistry CS college.  After that 2018, he joined as Project assistant (Hydroformylation of olefins) in the group of  Dr. Ankush Biradar at the institute of CSMCRI Bhavnagar India. Since, he continued pursuing his PhD study in the group of Dr. Ankush Biradar in Inorganic material and catalysis division. The most important works during his PhD are related to using heterogeneous catalysis to active methylene transformation into fine chemicals. After finishing his PhD in 2023, he continued his postdoctoral research on Thermochemical water splitting reaction and Aqueous phase reforming in Prof. Atul Bansode group.