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Test Beelden IV page


1. Mobility
2. Safety
3. Society
4. Trust
  1. Mobility:  Intelligence vehicles will make traffic flows more efficient, yet may also attract more traffic, if people decide to live further away from work, or when they don’t share public intelligent vehicles.
  2. Safety: Intelligent vehicles will reduce accidents caused by human error, but new types of accidents may in time emerge, say in less structured environments like old city centres.
  3. Society: New groups of people may become able to travel with intelligent vehicles, such as disabled people, but intelligent vehicles may also diminish the availability of public transport. 
  4. Trust: Over time, people can gradually build up trust in intelligent vehicles, yet this trust can be lost much faster, for example when an awful accident happens.

Standaard Zonder Titel (Compact)

  1. Mobility:  Intelligence vehicles will make traffic flows more efficient, yet may also attract more traffic, if people decide to live further away from work, or when they don’t share public intelligent vehicles.
  2. Safety: Intelligent vehicles will reduce accidents caused by human error, but new types of accidents may in time emerge, say in less structured environments like old city centres.
  3. Society: New groups of people may become able to travel with intelligent vehicles, such as disabled people, but intelligent vehicles may also diminish the availability of public transport. 
  4. Trust: Over time, people can gradually build up trust in intelligent vehicles, yet this trust can be lost much faster, for example when an awful accident happens.

2 bij 2 Grid (omschrijving eronder)

Mobility: Intelligence vehicles will make traffic flows more efficient, yet may also attract more traffic, if people decide to live further away from work, or when they don’t share public intelligent vehicles.
Safety: Intelligent vehicles will reduce accidents caused by human error, but new types of accidents may in time emerge, say in less structured environments like old city centres.
Society: New groups of people may become able to travel with intelligent vehicles, such as disabled people, but intelligent vehicles may also diminish the availability of public transport. 
Trust: Over time, people can gradually build up trust in intelligent vehicles, yet this trust can be lost much faster, for example when an awful accident happens.

Tekst Afbeeldingen

  1. Mobility:  Intelligence vehicles will make traffic flows more efficient, yet may also attract more traffic, if people decide to live further away from work, or when they don’t share public intelligent vehicles.
  2. Safety: Intelligent vehicles will reduce accidents caused by human error, but new types of accidents may in time emerge, say in less structured environments like old city centres.
  3. Society: New groups of people may become able to travel with intelligent vehicles, such as disabled people, but intelligent vehicles may also diminish the availability of public transport. 
  4. Trust: Over time, people can gradually build up trust in intelligent vehicles, yet this trust can be lost much faster, for example when an awful accident happens.