Application form Marina van Damme Grant

Aanmeldformulier Marina van Dammebeurs

Application form for Marina van Damme Grant
This application form is open until 10 June 2024. Fields with * are obligated. You can submit your application in Dutch or English. For questions, please contact us via
Do your parents have an academic degree?
My application can be realised by an educational or research institute or company where a certificate will be hand out in the end.


Personal data
By submitting your application you agree that Delft University Fund can use your data for communication purposes regarding the Marina van Damme Grant (i.e. on the website of TU Delft and Delft University Fund, social media channels and the Marina van Damme Network channels).

Your personal details will be treated confidentially in accordance with the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act and will never be provided to third parties. Please read our privacy statement here