Data Information Management

This theme focuses on the central role of data and information management in knowledge-driven societies. With the exponential growth of data, accessing relevant structured and unstructured data from the web poses significant challenges. You will explore the scientific and practical aspects of data and information management, developing the skills to design, develop, and evaluate systems from both technological and human perspectives, enabling them to satisfy user needs in different contexts.

Year 1

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Data management and Engineering Software Engineering and Testing for AI Systems Responsible Data Science and AI Engineering Research course
Machine and Deep Learning Theme 1 Theme 1 Theme 1
Probabilistic AI and Reasoning Theme 2 Theme 2 Theme 2

Credits: each course in a theme is 5EC, so each theme is 15EC.

Students choose 2 themes, each of which has 3 courses in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of the 1st year. For this theme, you will take the following courses:

Q2 - Web-Scale Data Management

Q3 - Information Retrieval

Q4 - Web Science and Engineering