Interactive Visual Analysis

This theme discusses principles from visualization, visual analytics, human computer interaction, perception, and effective data communication using machine learning and AI methods and discusses how these principles are applied to interactive data exploration. The theme explores how visual data representations are tailored to different tasks and audiences, like medical practitioners.

Year 1

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Data management and Engineering Software Engineering and Testing for AI Systems Responsible Data Science and AI Engineering Research course
Machine and Deep Learning Theme 1 Theme 1 Theme 1
Probabilistic AI and Reasoning Theme 2 Theme 2 Theme 2

Credits: each course in a theme is 5EC, so each theme is 15EC.

Students choose 2 themes, each of which has 3 courses in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of the 1st year. For this theme, you will take the following courses:

Q2 - Data visualization

Q3 - 3D Visualization

Q4 - High-Performance Analysis Systems