News: 1 November 2022

NL-LAB Project Workshop: Machine Learning Study on Pavement Performance Prediction

Dr. Kumar Anupam and Dr. Sandra Erkens, representing Rijkswaterstaat GPO and the KPE NL LAB Team, recently organized a workshop to share the results of the NL-LAB project. Master's student Bernardo Mota Lontra was invited to present his thesis, which focused on developing a framework for understanding the applicability of machine learning tools in predicting pavement performance under Dutch conditions. The models developed for this study utilized the NL-LAB program's extensive database.

The NL-LAB research program was initiated by the Working Group Asphalt (WGA) to investigate the functional properties of asphalt concrete and monitor its implementation. The program tests AC mixtures from lab, road, and combinations to explore the influence of mixing and compaction methods, monitor the material's behaviour in the road, and track its development of functional properties during service life.

For more information on this research program's setup, purpose, and benefits, please refer to the publication by Sandra Erkens and Dave van Vliet, "De meerwaarde van structureel, langjarig bemonsteren," presented at the CROW Infradagen (2014). Additionally, Bernardo Mota Lontra's thesis can be accessed via the TU Delft library.