
22 resultaten

02 juli 2020

Focus on Geothermal

Focus on Geothermal

Maren Brehme gave a talk on Geothermal Energy in the Netherlands in an IGC online meeting.

22 juni 2020

Geothermal Science & Engineering in TU Delta about the EasyGo project

Geothermal Science & Engineering in TU Delta about the EasyGo project

TU Delft is leading a multi-million euro project to train geothermal experts. This connects to the Delft geothermal heat project, with deep wells under the campus.

02 juni 2020

Efficiency and Safety in Geothermal Operations

Efficiency and Safety in Geothermal Operations

A fund of 3.4M€ has been awarded by the European Commission to a project on geothermal energy, that will be led by researcher Maren Brehme (TU Delft). The project entitled ‘EASYGO: Efficiency and Safety in Geothermal Operations‘ is one of the Innovative Training Networks meant for extraordinary global research as well as excellent training opportunities for PhD candidates to reach doctorate level.

12 mei 2020

The KNAW fund for project MiMo

The KNAW fund for project MiMo

The project MiMo – Misi Monitoring received funding from KNAW (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen) for a Dutch – Indonesian collaboration on geothermal energy. It will be led by Assistant Professor Maren Brehme in a strong cooperation with the TBM faculty.

15 november 2019

New exploration method for geothermal energy

New exploration method for geothermal energy

International research team presents combination of mapping of underwater structures and geochemical measurements.

12 november 2019

Project awards for Geothermal Energy Research

Project awards for Geothermal Energy Research

The projects REFLECT, Nature’s Heat Seismic Monitoring and SUCCESS received awards for Geothermal Energy Research.

24 mei 2019

Samenwerking met Duits GFZ versterkt Delfts geothermie onderzoek

Samenwerking met Duits GFZ versterkt Delfts geothermie onderzoek

Tijdens het werkbezoek van Koning Willem Alexander en Koningin Maxima aan de Duitse deelstaat Brandenburg hebben de TU Delft en het Duitse Onderzoekscentrum voor Geowetenschappen in Potsdam (GFZ) een samenwerkingsovereenkomst getekend op het gebied van geothermische energie.

28 februari 2019

Stories of Science: Summoning heat from below

Stories of Science: Summoning heat from below

Heating our homes is warming up the Earth too. Associate Professor Phil Vardon and PhD candidate Ivaylo Pantev want to warm or cool buildings through their pile foundations, by using the natural temperature of the soil. If done well, this can help residents to save energy, money and problems for generations to come.

07 december 2018

Sponsorship for Assistant/Associate Professor Geothermal Science and Engineering

Sponsorship for Assistant/Associate Professor Geothermal Science and Engineering

During the Geothermal Get-Together on 29 November 2018, it was announced that research on Geothermal Science and Engineering at TU Delft got another boost. A consortium of seven partners signed a certificate for sponsoring an Assistant/Associate Professor.

31 oktober 2018

Impuls voor geothermisch onderzoek aan de TU Delft

Impuls voor geothermisch onderzoek aan de TU Delft

De meeste mensen zullen afgelopen zomer niet hebben nagedacht over het verwarmen van hun huizen; onderzoekers van de TU Delft deden dat wel (en niet alleen de laatste maanden). De bij het geothermisch onderzoek betrokken wetenschappers hebben goeie redenen om vooruit te kijken: het College van Bestuur van de TU Delft heeft een principebesluit genomen over de aanleg van een aardwarmtebron die voor geothermisch onderzoek kan dienen.