Lecturing in COVID times

News - 19 February 2021 - Secretariaat Sanitary Engineering

It is a hard time for our (young) students. They miss the student life and the interaction with their fellow students. We are all longing for life classes and (lab) exercises. In the mean time we do our best to continue lecturing as good as possible. What helps is that much of our material was already online, wrapped-up in so-called MOOCs and ProfEds. Videos, exercises, written material is available on the educational platform Brightspace and the students can already study it before the classes start. The idea is then that during the lectures the lecturer can have more interaction with the students and can discuss real-life examples and exercises. On the picture you see Prof. Luuk Rietveld, who lectures Water Treatment from his room in front of the white board. He interacts with about 40 students who are on a Zoom link. Some students have already posed their questions in the chat box and others work with Luuk Rietveld on calculations for the dimensioning of treatment processes, such as softening and disinfection.

Although it is not optimal, it is the best we can do, because …. the show must go on!