Webinar Remote Teaching | (re)Designing and evaluating your course (for blended and remote courses) | 2 February

02 February 2022 10:00 till 11:00 - Location: Online - By: Teaching Academy | Add to my calendar

As Q3 and Q4 are approaching, many of you are preparing your courses to run again in the context of a (semi) lockdown. Are your courses well suited to this? And is there anything that you are thinking of adjusting to make your students learning experience smoother?

In this webinar Wilma Elston and Eloise Ruby will present resources that you can use to evaluate your current course, gain insight into what aspects of your course possibly can be improved, as well as map the changes you want to make ahead of the next run of your course.

Future webinars will be announced once the titles and descriptions are finalized. If you have a topic that you would like us to cover, please email Naomi directly: n.l.wahls@tudelft.nl.