Open Textbook Workshop | 17 October

17 October 2022 15:00 till 16:30 - Location: Teaching Lab - By: Library | Add to my calendar

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The TU Delft Library has been offering its services to aspiring Open Textbook authors for several years now. But what is an Open Textbook exactly? And why would you bother investing your time in writing and publishing one? Some reasons to publish an open textbook are:

  • Control over educational resource content: Possibility to tailor the educational resource to the demands of your course and to fill in gaps in the educational literature.
  • Recognition of teaching expertise: You get recognized for your teaching expertise because others reuse your work.
  • Allows for innovative ways of presenting educational content: Match your educational resources with the needs of your students through incorporating interactive elements in your textbook.
  • Equality in the classroom: Improves teaching as all students have access to the educational material used in your course from the very first class.
  • Cost saving for students: Reduces the costs of education for students and thereby increases accessibility of education.

In this workshop we are going to walk you through the nuts and bolts of Open Textbook publishing. Next to learning about the “what”, the “why” and the “how”, you will have the chance to hear from two of our already published authors about their experiences. Christian Tiberius will talk about how he and his colleagues went about transforming their lecture notes, hand-outs and readers into a full-fledged textbook. Timon Idema will share his thoughts and experiences on his work on a new, interactive textbook format, the Jupyter Book. 

The workshop will also shed light on how the Library makes the process of publishing smoother and easier for you through its editorial, copyright and design services, so that you can focus on what matters the most: the actual knowledge you wish for students to acquire! Come and visit the stands on copyright, publication process, and product & design at the workshop.

If you have any questions, please contact the Library’s Open Education Specialist, Marcell Várkonyi at

The event will take place at the Teaching Lab, on 17 October 2022, between 15:00-16:30.