The Interactive Intelligence (II) section focusses on social, intelligent agents. We research the intelligence that underlies and co-evolves during the repeated interactions of human and technology “agents” who cooperate to achieve a joint goal. Our research program aims for synergy and social interaction between humans and technology, to empower humans in their social context. The new technological challenges we face arise from the need to integrate Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Engineering, and behavioural sciences. In particular, the technological challenge is to develop socially aware agents that in interaction with humans co-adapt and co-learn over time. Social awareness implies context-awareness with the knowledge to interpret the physical situation in social terms and the knowledge to behave in a distinctive individual way that is personalized towards those the agent interacts with. In this manner, we endeavour to develop the interactive agent technology that empowers humans and groups of humans to deal with the societal and individual challenges such as the increasing need for sustained self-management for healthy ageing, safety and life-long education.

Research Themes
