Chenxu Hao

I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Socially Perceptive Computing Lab. I completed my Ph.D. in Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience from the Department of Psychology, University of Michigan. My past work investigates value-based decisions in the framework of bounded rationality (i.e., decision making given the environment and the agent’s cognitive constraints; Simon, 1955). My research interest lies in the intersection of cognitive psychology and artificial intelligent (AI) systems. Particularly, I am interested in the problem of how to design AI systems that facilitate complex decisions that involve risks and uncertainty. One way to approach this problem is to inform the AI system (e.g., with computational cognitive models) how humans process information and make decisions in real-life scenarios. As part of the Hybrid Intelligence Project, I will work towards the goal of developing an intelligent system that aids decision making in social interactions (e.g., partner selection in collaborative tasks) through understanding human behaviors in social settings with multimodal machine learning.