Zero Emission Biotechnology Biotechnology and society

We quantify technical, economic, and social aspects of novel biotechnological processes and the supply chain – providing guidance on improving process design

How John Posada Duque works on sustainable biotech

In my group, we study the conditions under which novel technological solutions will perform optimally, always comparing them to other technologies that yield similar products. Our analyses may, for example, indicate that a small increase in reaction rate will significantly improve the economic outlook. Or that an increase in selectivity for a specific reaction product will have a negligible effect in reducing environmental impact – indicating that it is better to focus on improving other reaction parameters.

I am a technology agnostic, and approach sustainability from a quantitative perspective.

John Posada Duque, Assistant Professor

We will start this analysis with prospective studies at the very early stages of development for the novel processes of my colleagues within the Zero Emission Biotechnology research programme. Based on the potential for scaling them up and having positive economic, environmental, and societal impacts, we will together select the ten to fifteen most promising processes and assess how to best improve them from a technological perspective.