
105 results

28 February 2023

TU Delft presents the eight best Climate Action & Energy Papers

TU Delft presents the eight best Climate Action & Energy Papers

Record temperatures, floodings and melting sea ice: radical weather events are becoming more frequent and have a devastating effect on our planet and our lives. By accelerating the energy transition and climate action TU Delft, together with its partners, tries to prevent climate change and contain its consequences. With the election of the Best Climate & Energy Paper, TU Delft is highlighting a number of large and small innovations that contribute to this.

23 February 2023

Vici for Valeria Garbin, Simon Gröblacher and Atsushi Urakawa

Vici for Valeria Garbin, Simon Gröblacher and Atsushi Urakawa

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded Delft researchers Valeria Garbin, Simon Gröblacher and Atsushi Urakawa a Vici grant of up to 1.5 million euros. This will enable the laureates to develop an innovative line of research and further expand their own research group for a period of five years. Vici is one of the largest personal scientific grants in the Netherlands and is aimed at advanced researchers.

22 December 2022

When frustration leads to inspiration for Open Science

When frustration leads to inspiration for Open Science

According to Adarsh Kalikadien, PhD candidate at the Faculty of Applied Sciences, open access publishing is not enough if you really want to perform open science, especially when you work with large data sets or self-designed software. "Freely accessible or not, a PDF full of messy data is useless to me as a fellow researcher. Publishing data and code openly is only of value if someone else can work with it."

05 December 2022

NWO ENW-XS grant for Dr. Mahdiyeh Nouri Goushki

NWO ENW-XS grant for Dr. Mahdiyeh Nouri Goushki

Why do we need better-engineered immune cells and tumor models? T-cell therapy, which deals with engineering immune (T-)cells to attack cancer cells, has shown great promise in treating blood cancers.

30 November 2022

NWO Open Technology funding to produce a versatile acid sustainably

NWO Open Technology funding to produce a versatile acid sustainably

The NWO has awarded over 5.3 million euros to six projects through the Open Technology Programme, including the research of Ludovic Jourdin to make products from CO2 and renewable electricity, based on a versatile acid. Apart from the NWO funding, companies and other organisations involved invest 1.1 million euros into the projects.

17 November 2022

Electric technology to save energy in drying processes

Electric technology to save energy in drying processes

Scientists of TU Delft and four other Dutch universities join forces to save energy in drying processes. In the ELECTRIFIED project, the researchers will use the power of electricity and electrical fields to develop breakthrough technologies for large energy savings in industrial drying processes.

10 November 2022

Mimicking life: a breakthrough in non-living materials

Mimicking life: a breakthrough in non-living materials

Researchers at the Eelkema Lab have discovered a new process that uses fuel to control non-living materials, similar to what living cells do. The reaction cycle can easily be applied to a wide range of materials and its rate can be controlled – a breakthrough in the emerging field of such reactions.

04 November 2022

Making salt water fresh on Lampedusa

Making salt water fresh on Lampedusa

Since last week, a large-scale demo installation in Lampedusa is producing drinking water, salts and chemicals from seawater in an environmentally friendly way. Project leader Dimitris Xevgenos: “This is the first time that we’re producing these marketable products at pre-commercial scale in Europe together with the right actors, including the use of waste heat. People can come and actually see it running.” 

01 October 2022

NWO Grant for e-HEAT: understanding and controlling heat to enable large-scale electrolysers

NWO Grant for e-HEAT: understanding and controlling heat to enable large-scale electrolysers

The Board of NWO's domain of Applied and Technical Sciences awarded funding to the project e-HEAT: Understanding and controlling heat to enable large-scale electrolysers by Dr J.W.R. Peeters of TU Delft, through the Open Technology Programme.

20 September 2022

New radiolabelling method for personalised cancer treatment

New radiolabelling method for personalised cancer treatment

Researchers from TU Delft have found a new method to efficiently make nano carriers loaded with radioactive salts for both medical imaging and treatment. Because the assembly of these nano carriers is incredibly simple, the innovation is very suitable for clinical research and treatments of cancer patients.