416 results

30 October 2023

GUSTO arrived on Antarctica

GUSTO arrived on Antarctica

NASA’s GUSTO balloon observatory has arrived on Antarctica onboard the Wallops C-130 airplane. It is scheduled for launch around the 15th of December. GUSTO is equipped with three 8-pixel far-infrared cameras delivered by SRON and TU Delft and will carry out the first large-scale survey with velocity-resolved imaging of the spectral lines emitted by three cosmic elements between stars.

20 October 2023

Gijs Hooghiemstra joined Imphys as MSc student

Gijs Hooghiemstra joined Imphys as MSc student

Gijs started his master endproject at the KalkmanLab. His thesis is about investigating aberrations in Optical Diffraction Tomography and further developing iterative numerical methods for solving multiple scattering problems.

18 October 2023

Maaike Smit joined ImPhys as MSc student

Maaike Smit will be doing her MSc project as part of the Mars lab, under supervision of Chiara & Kathleen. She will be studying a novel technique to directly measure neuronal currents using MRI.

18 October 2023

Nathan Geerts joined ImPhys as MSc student

Nathan Geerts joined ImPhys as MSc student

Nathan Geerts will be working on the computer simulation of cardiac magnetic resonance images from an MRI physics model. He will be doing this project under the supervision of PhD Yidong Zhao and responsible supervisor Qian Tao.

13 October 2023

The radiologist’s assistant

The radiologist’s assistant

Qian Tao was interviewed by TU Delta on using AI in radiology. Qian is co-director of the CHEME AI Lab, one of our 24 TU Delft | AI Labs. The CHEME Lab investigates knowledge-driven AI and demonstrates its potential within two applied science domains in particular – chemical engineering and imaging physics. Artur Schweidtmann is the lab's other co-director; Lukas Schulze Balhorn, Qinghe Gao, Changchun Yang and Yidong Zhao are PhD students in the CHEME AI lab.

21 September 2023

Alexander Heemels wins poster prize at the Dutch Photonics Event

Alexander Heemels wins poster prize at the Dutch Photonics Event

Alexander Heemels, PhD student in the ImPhys Optica department, won the poster prize at the Dutch Photonics Event. The poster titled "A novel tool to design freeform optics" presents how algorithmic differentiable ray tracing together with THB-splines can be used to design freeform lenses for illumination applications.

18 September 2023

Pim van Beeck joined ImPhys as MSc student

Pim van Beeck joined ImPhys as MSc student

Pim van Beeck is currently following the master's in Applied Physics with a specialisation in health and life sciences. He will join the Menzel Lab, where he will work on using ComSLI to study the three-dimensional network of fibrin fibres in blood clots.

13 September 2023

Nieuw zicht op vervlochten zenuwvezels

Nieuw zicht op vervlochten zenuwvezels

De hersenen bevatten miljoenen zenuwvezels die dicht op elkaar gepakt zijn, waardoor het lastig is om de vezels van elkaar te onderscheiden met microscopische technieken. Miriam Menzel ontwikkelde een eenvoudige lichtmicroscopietechniek die de oriëntatie van deze vezels in beeld kan brengen.

11 September 2023

Menglin Wu joined ImPhys as MSc student

Menglin Wu joined ImPhys as MSc student

Menglin started his MSc thesis project under the supervision of Prof. Bernd Rieger. He will be working on fixed dipole emitter localization in 4Pi single molecule localization microscopy.

07 September 2023

Jesse Buijs joined ImPhys as MSc student

Jesse Buijs joined ImPhys as MSc student

Jesse joined our group to work on his MSc thesis. The subject revolves around taking advantage of non-linearities in wave propagation used in acoustical imaging. Due to these non-linearities, higher (but more importantly in this case: lower) harmonics can be created. This makes it possible to generate a low frequency sound source using two higher frequency sources, resulting in smaller required transducers among other benefits.


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