Jorijn Holstvoogd

Jorijn Holstvoogd
BSc-student Applied Earth Sciences

Why did you select Applied Earth Sciences?
Ever since I was a child, I knew I wanted to go to TU Delft but I just wasn’t sure what I wanted to study. During the last years of high school, I was primarily focused on chemistry and I was very certain I was going to study chemistry like my dad and my grandfather before him. However, once I heard about Applied Earth Sciences, I swiftly changed my mind. The broad range of technical directions you can go into after your bachelor and the international feel to the study really appealed to me. As well as the combination of math, physics and chemistry together with geology (which was completely new to me).

Beside the study, I love to travel to places I haven’t been yet. Long vacations or small city trips to explore something new.

Combining the study with responsibilities, a social life and sports. While doing so, I also try to establish where I want to end up in a few years time.

What do I want to become?
The big question you have been asked since you were little! And to be very honest, I am not sure yet. Through the first two years of this study, we got a taste of the Master tracks we can go into and so far I am primarily focused on geo-engineering and petroleum engineering.

Fun to know
I have lived abroad in Malaysia for four years and as said before, I love to simply get away and travel. This passion works great with Applied Earth Sciences as this study programme will give you a lot of opportunities to explore different countries. You could for example do your minor abroad or via the connections you establish during the study, obtain an internship at a reputable company.