Admission requirements

The admission requirements for the programmes depend on your previous education and the bachelor's programme you want to do. Below, the admission requirements are explained, and you will find more information about the application procedure.

Admission requirements with a VWO diploma

Do you have a Dutch VWO diploma? Then you may apply for Applied Earth Sciences if you have Physics, Mathematics B and Chemistry. Do you want to know which studies you can do with your profile? Take a look at the table below.

Admission NL:

Required level: VWO / Gymnasium

Required courses: Mathematics B, Physics and Chemistry

Numerus Fixus: No

Pre-University Calculus

Coming to the university? Prepare yourself and take the online MOOC mathematics course!

The admission requirements for the programmes depend on your previous education and the bachelor's programme you want to do. Below, the admission requirements are explained, and you will find more information about the application procedure.

Admission NL:

Required level: VWO / Gymnasium

Required courses: Mathematics B, Physics and Chemistry

Numerus Fixus: No

Admission requirements with a VWO diploma

Do you have a Dutch VWO diploma? Then you may apply for Applied Earth Sciences if you have Physics, Mathematics B and Chemistry. Do you want to know which studies you can do with your profile? Take a look at the table below.


If you have specific questions about the admission requirements, please contact the Contact Centre.