Is this programme right for me?

Nanobiology benefits from the combined expertise of two world class institutions in Delft (TU Delft) and Rotterdam (Erasmus MC). If that appeals to you and you are good at biology, physics and mathematics, then this programme may suit you well. Read here what you can expect.

Courses and interests

The following courses are common in Nanobiology. If these are courses that you like and that suit you, then this might be the right programme for you.

Intensity of studies

At Nanobiology you spend approximately 40 hours per week studying. This is average compared to other studies. In the first year, approximately 10-15 hours of this consists of lectures. 10 hours are spent on projects and practical assignments and no less than 15-20 hours on self-study.

As you can see, there is a relatively large amount of self-study, which is why this study is generally considered difficult and challenging.

Although the level is well in line with the level of secondary school, the pace at university is a lot higher and the amount of teaching materials is a lot more than at secondary school.

Student experiences

Choosing a study is quite difficult. Students who are now in the Nanobiology programme also had to make that choice once. For some it was a quick and easy choice, for others it was a bit more complicated. Read here how they made their decision in the end and what they think of the programme now.

Who you are:

  • Curious about the smallest scale of biology at molecular and cell level
  • Good at biology, physics and mathematics
  • Investigative minded
  • Interested in human health and disease
  • Committed to creating a better society