Lucienne van der Geest

Name: Lucienne van der Geest
Year: this testimonial was written in year 2, Lucienne is now a master’s student

I had some serious issues deciding what to study after secondary school. I did know two things; I wanted to end up in a field in which there’s still a lot to explore and it had to be a field which was challenging. I first wanted to study astronomy or physics, but I knew I would eventually miss the life sciences, even though I have always been much better at maths and physics than at biology, and so my journey to look for a programme combining the three disciplines began. I don’t have to tell you which study I found.

Nanobiology is a very broad programme not only combining mathematics with physics and biology, but it also leaves some room to explore programming and chemistry. You learn to analyse scientific articles, preparing you for a future in science! Presenting and working in the laboratory also make up a major part of the programme.

The atmosphere between students is very open and relaxed. As there’s only a hundred students a year, it doesn’t take much effort to get to know many people out of many different years.

Even though I can see myself ending up as a researcher, I am not completely sure about what the future holds for me. Whatever I decide to do when I’m older, I first want to keep on studying for a while, maybe even abroad. Because the Bachelor’s programme is so international, it is definitely a very realistic option to go abroad!