Vision Statement

Vision (What will we be?)
Our vision is to be a leading institute in systems science for Health & Care, enabling transitions
towards better, safe, reliable, fair, resilient, responsible, and sustainable health and care for all.

Mission (What will we achieve?)
Our mission is to lead research and education in Health & Care from a systems science perspective. We
apply and advance sociotechnical systems approaches, meaning that we consider social and technical
elements as intertwined and essential components of a system. We contend that addressing pressing and
intricate challenges in Health & Care, including issues like workforce shortages, safety and sustainability
concerns, and unequal access to healthcare, requires the application of a systemic approach. We provide
a scientific base for the systems approach, which has thus far been mostly absent in Health & Care. With
our methods and knowledge, we improve systems performance, and with that, care outcomes. This
includes health and care challenges that are interrelated with other systems, such as transport,
education, food, and energy systems - thus leveraging on our faculty’s long-standing record in advancing
complex systems science in these domains. Values and justice are at the core of our research and
education. We thus enable good governance, and the transitions that are needed to build safe, reliable,
fair, resilient, responsible, and sustainable health and care for all.

Strategy (How will we get there?)
To take up a leading role in the field we will:

  • Lead and seek collaborations with diverse, involved and engaged partners regionally, nationally, and worldwide, on research, education, and advisory tasks.
  • Develop novel systems perspective scientific approaches applied to health & care, leveraging the expertise available within our faculty from other domains as well as recent state-of-theart developments.
  • Establish ourselves as a leader in the national, EU and global research funding landscape by participating and leading consortia in advancing systems science for Health & Care
  • Advance knowledge through establishing world-leading tertiary and executive educational programs on systems science in health & care, both inside our own faculty and through contributing or (co)-leading collaborative programs with other faculties and institutions
  • Contribute and add value to existing collaborations such as Delft Health Initiative, Medical Delta, and Convergence.


The Institute for Health Systems Science has a co-leadership structure consisting of:

Saba Hinrichs-Krapels
Lead of Strategy and Growth

Samantha Copeland
Lead of Partnerships and Community

Kateřina Staňková
Lead of Research

Irene Grossmann
Lead of Education