
22 March 2022

NOS article about admission ticket to festival or club mentions PVE in the light of empathy for entrepreneurs

NOS article about admission ticket to festival or club mentions PVE in the light of empathy for entrepreneurs

An article by NOS about the corona admission ticket was published in which the Participation Value Evaluation is mentioned.

15 April 2021

Paper published in PLoS ONE on "The Big Participatory Value Evaluation" by Niek Mouter, José Ignacio Hernández and Anatol Itten

Paper published in PLoS ONE on "The Big Participatory Value Evaluation" by Niek Mouter, José Ignacio Hernández and Anatol Itten

The paper was published in PLOS One on May 6 on how a PVE differs from other participatory methods and methods for eliciting preference, outcomes and experience of participants of PWE.

15 April 2021

Second journal paper publiced about PVE deployment for effective participation

Second journal paper publiced about PVE deployment for effective participation

A paper was recently published on the possibility of using PWE for effective participation. Niek Mouter, Ruth Shortall, Shannon Spruit and Anatol Itten investigated this on the basis of a PWE about the energy transition in Utrecht.

03 March 2021

Researchers invite all inhabitants of the Netherlands to contribute to climate policy

Researchers invite all inhabitants of the Netherlands to contribute to climate policy

What does the Dutch population think about Dutch climate policy? Researchers from TU Delft and Utrecht University invite thousands of Dutch people to contribute their ideas.

28 January 2021

PVE versus cost-benefit analysis: contrasting the recommendations in the context of urban mobility investments

PVE versus cost-benefit analysis: contrasting the recommendations in the context of urban mobility investments

Recently, a paper was published on the possible different policy recommendations that result of a Participatory Value Evaluation (PVE) and a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) in the context of urban mobility investments. Niek Mouter, Paul Koster and Thijs Dekker investigated this on the basis of a PVE and various CBAs that were carried out for 16 urban mobility investments.