Our event calender features:

  1. Events organised by the TU Delft Safety & Security Institute
  2. Relevant events organised by other units of TU Delft
  3. Selected events from external organisations

Event archive

34 results

06 March 2023 12:00 till 13:00

Lunch seminar 'Maintenance in Prognostics and Health Management (PHM)'

Lunch seminar 'Maintenance in Prognostics and Health Management (PHM)'

Guest speaker Kai Goebel from the System Sciences Lab at Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) will talk about maintenance in Prognostics and Health Management (PHM). This lunch meeting is the second in a series of seminars on maintenance, organized by the TU Delft Airborne Safety Lab and sponsored by the seed funding program of the TU Delft Safety & Security Institute.

22 February 2023 12:00 till 13:00

Seminar Airborne Safety Lab

Seminar Airborne Safety Lab

On Monday 6 February 2023, from 10.30 to 12.00 the Innovation and Impact Centre together with TU Delft Safety and Security Institute are organising a hybrid funding info session on Safety & Security related call opportunities at NWO and Horizon Europe cluster 3 ‘Civil Security for Society’. The live location will be at NEXT Delft, Molengraaffsingel 8, but we will provide also the opportunity to follow the session online. ​

14 February 2023 14:00 till 15:00

[SEJ] Ullrika Sahlin: Semi-formal expert judgements – lessons learnt from food safety

A scientific assessment usually involves a group of scientific experts with the task to gather available evidence and answer an assessment question. Organizations carrying out scientific assessments have guidelines to support different steps in assessments and ensure good practice. The Scientific Committee at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) adopted in 2014 a Guidance of Expert Knowledge Elicitation in Food Safety Assessments. It recommends making using formal and probabilistic expert judgement. I will describe the progress in implementing structured expert judgement in these scientific assessments, and provide reflections on the choice of methods for EKE, the needs to adapt the requirements on formality and level of precision in probabilistic judgements to the applied context.

06 February 2023 10:00 till 12:00

Info session about upcoming funding opportunities in Safety & Security

Info session about upcoming funding opportunities in Safety & Security

On Monday 6 February 2023, from 10.30 to 12.00 the Innovation and Impact Centre together with TU Delft Safety and Security Institute are organising a hybrid funding info session on Safety & Security related call opportunities at NWO and Horizon Europe cluster 3 ‘Civil Security for Society’. The live location will be at NEXT Delft, Molengraaffsingel 8, but we will provide also the opportunity to follow the session online. ​

28 November 2022 09:00 till 02 December 2022 18:00

Climate Risks for Infrastructure in Deltas

Climate Risks for Infrastructure in Deltas

The workshop will aim at jointly, with all participants, formulating which innovations would be needed for climate risk assessment methods (an agenda for “Policy-informed assessment tools for climate risks for infrastructures in Deltas”). The goal is to formulate a research agenda for these tools, which should bring them closer to the actual world of policymaking.

06 November 2022 18:08 till 10 November 2022 18:08

Lorentz workshop on ‘’Digital Bastards for a Climate Resilient Delta’’

Lorentz workshop on ‘’Digital Bastards for a Climate Resilient Delta’’

Join us for an exciting workshop from 6th to 10th November

02 November 2022 09:00 till 04 November 2022 18:00

International Conference on Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2022

04 October 2022 09:00 till 18:00

The 6th SRA-E Benelux Annual Meeting

The 6th SRA-E Benelux Annual Meeting

Tuesday October 4th, 2022 - SRA-E Benelux Annual Meeting 2022 The 6th SRA-E Benelux Annual Meeting has been postponed to Tuesday October 4th, 2022 and will be hosted by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). The theme will be: “Risk Perception: From Science to Policy”. The SRA-E Benelux Annual Meeting brings together researchers, government agencies, industry representatives, academics and practitioners of risk (analysis). The Annual Meeting aims to provide a unique environment in the Benelux for participants to interact with colleagues, present (research) findings, exchange ideas and (re)acquaint with (new and old) friends.

30 September 2022 15:00 till 18:00

Symposium 'Forensic Engineering and Technology'

Symposium 'Forensic Engineering and Technology'

We hereby invite you to join the symposium 'Forensic Engineering and Technology' that is organized by Co van Ledden Hulsebosch Center (CLHC), TU Delft Forensics and TU Delft Safety & Security Institute. Frontiers of Forensic Science (FFS) is a unique lecture series in the Netherlands.

30 June 2022 15:00 till 16:30

Eerste Editie van TU Delft & NFI Science Café

Graag nodigen we u uit om deel te nemen aan de eerste editie van TU Delft & NFI Science Café, georganiseerd door TU Delft Safety & Security Institute, Nederlands Forensisch Instituut en TU Delft The Hague. Registratie is verplicht. Klik hier voor de registratie en meer details.