Why 100 DAYS OF... Data for Learning?

The 100 DAYS OF... Data for Learning' is an initiative to collaboratively explore the use of data in engineering education. Through a series of events, activities and interactive sessions, we aim to create awareness about the possibilities and restraints of data in teaching and learning, and to highlight cooperations amongst organisational units involved in educational innovations in this context. 

This page

Here you find the agenda of upcoming activities. It is also where we will share stories, readings/publications, and summaries of activities that are relevant to our exploration. 
Make sure you bookmark it to keep a close eye and not miss out on anything!

Get involved!

Do you have any questions, projects, findings, practices or other ideas to share related to data for learning? For example, data science in education, learning analytics, learning dashboard, or other topics.
Your contribution is of great value to this initiative. Please email us at teachingacademy@tudelft.nl

Alos, please make sure to check out the Miro board of the 100 DAYS OF... Data for Learning. Here you can find the timeline of activities, including interactive notes recapping what has been discussed at each event. 


Journal Club notes - 100 DAYS OF... Data for Learning