Webinar Remote Teaching | Basics of Intercultural Communication with Ubon Schoone-Ruijs | 12 May

12 mei 2021 10:00 t/m 11:00 - Locatie: Online - Door: Teaching Academy | Zet in mijn agenda

Understanding Intercultural communication is important for everyone working in a culturally diverse setting. In this interactive webinar lead by Ubon, we will talk about the different types of cultures, how you can recognize them, the pitfalls (miscommunication) and benefits of intercultural communication skills. This webinar provides more insight into your communication and relationship with your students (and peers) and relationship between students. Additionally, you can benefit from it in your personal environment.

Future webinars will be announced once the titles and descriptions are finalized. If you have a topic that you would like us to cover, please email Naomi directly: n.l.wahls@tudelft.nl.

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