Webinar Remote Teaching | Using principles for multimedia learning – what can we learn from each other? | 25 May

25 mei 2022 10:00 t/m 11:00 - Locatie: Online - Door: Teaching Academy | Zet in mijn agenda

Featuring with Pim van Schöll
Over the last couple of months, many of us have experimented with new ways to present: in videos, online live lectures and new ways of using PowerPoint. Theory describes different design principles to avoid cognitive overload and stimulate active learning. In this webinar Pim would like to show his ideas on some of the multimedia learning design principles, show examples that he used at the NewMedia Centre and open a conversation to share the tips and tricks with each other to keep the attention of our audience during a lecture.

Future webinars will be announced once the titles and descriptions are finalized. If you have a topic that you would like us to cover, please email Naomi directly: n.l.wahls@tudelft.nl.