Jim Smit

Throughout my BSc in Clinical Technology and MSc in Biomedical Engineering, my focus has been at the intersection of technology and healthcare. My initiation into AI and Machine Learning occurred during an internship with the Biomedical Imaging group in Rotterdam as part of the BSc Honours Programme. Additionally, spended a semester as a visiting student at the Computer Science School of the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.

After my Msc, I started my PhD at the Intensive Care Department at the Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam led by Professor Gommers. This is a coorperation with the Pattern Recognition group in Delft, where I am supervised by Jesse Krijthe and Marcel Reinders. Together with my supervisors, we form a multidisciplincary team combining medical and technical expertise. In the Erasmus Medical Center, I work in the Datahub, which is the place in the Hospital where people with medical and technical know-how come together to bring AI to the bedside. In my thesis, I focus on applications of "Actionable AI", models which can advice optimal treatments based on indiviual patient characteristics by making causal predictions (https://www.jim-smit.com).