Security and Privacy Accountable Technology Innovations, Algorithms, and machine Learning (EU SPATIAL) project

Research Themes: Software Technology & Intellligent Systems

A TRL is a measure to indicate the matureness of a developing technology. When an innovative idea is discovered it is often not directly suitable for application. Usually such novel idea is subjected to further experimentation, testing and prototyping before it can be implemented. The image below shows how to read TRL’s to categorise the innovative ideas.

Click to enlarge

Summary of the project

More and more AI algorithms are developed for ICT and cyber security applications for private companies and the private sector in and outside the European Union. Often these algorithms function in a non-transparent manner, causing high risks in using them and making legislation challenging. The researchers of the SPATIAL project work on developing and designing resilient accountable metrics, privacy-preserving methods, verification tools and system solutions for a more trustworthy AI.
The researchers are focusing on two specific gaps: the model training of the AI – prio to its use - for bias, privacy and model poisoning and the black box working of the algorithm once it can be used. On one hand they are working on the computational aspects, developing mechanisms that can detect and evaluate faults and set-up tailored measures on how to deal with such circumstances. On the other hand, the researchers in SPATIAL are working on the communication side, providing accountable explanation for the customer or government on how the application works, opening the black box so the users are better able to assess the risks involved.

What's next?

Based on the findings of SPATIAL, researchers expect there will still be much research needed. The results of the project can be considered a stepping-stone to achieve trustworthy transparent and explainable AI for cybersecurity solutions. The results can also contribute to the governance and regulative framework, setting an international standard for AI driven cyber security to be more secure in the future.

With or Into AI?


Dr. Aaron Ding

Associate Professor on Edge AI

Associate Professor on Edge AI

EUR, UCD, FRAUNHOFER, NEC, With-Secure, Telefónica

Faculties involved

  • TPM