Case 9: Educational program profile

This term map visualizes different topics that are being covered by publications of teachers involved in the TU Delft interfaculty program MSc Transport, Infrastructure & Logistics. These teachers have diverse backgrounds and work in different faculties. It would be useful to compare this map with the subject map that should be covered by the educational program and also by the research projects that students carry out.


depicts research activity of the teachers involved in an educational program


to get familiar with the expertise area of teachers of an educational program that, in turn, allows for better proposal of projects and finding the strength and weak points


policy makers


1. collect the data of articles published by teachers involved in the education program
2. generate a corpus and a score file such that in the score file you indicate to which author(s) each of the articles belongs
3. use VOSviewer to generate a term map based on the corpus/score files
4. use the overlay visualization feature to color the terms such that the color indicates how often the term is mentioned in publications of an arbitrary author
5. use the VOSviewer screenshot to export your map