
Many of the important problems in society are combinatorial (NP-hard) optimisation problems. For example, health treatment planning, optimizing logistic operations, automated production, efficient planning for the energy transition, and scheduling of train operations are immensely important since this may directly result in lower costs, increased productivity, and/or higher quality. Although such problems may seem very different, the same approaches may be applied. In this theme, students learn how to formally specify deterministic problems in an unambiguous and rigorous way, apply advanced algorithms to solve these problems, and reason about the trustworthiness of the solutions. 

Year 1

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Software Architecture Core course Responsible Computer Science Research course
Core course Theme 1 Theme 1 Theme 1
Core course Theme 2 Theme 2 Theme 2

Credits: each course in a theme is 5EC, so each theme is 15EC.

Students choose 2 themes, each of which has 3 courses in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of the 1st year. For this theme, you will take the following courses:

Q2 - Modelling and Problem Solving

Q3 - Constraint Solving

Q4 - Evolutionary Algorithms