PowerWeb Institute

The electrical power infrastructure is rapidly changing due to the growing use of distributed renewable sources and is becoming increasingly complex to manage. Today's electricity market requires an infrastructure for flexible, reconfigurable smart grids that can facilitate the producer and consumer in their changing needs. Future electricity grids ask for a multi-layered ICT approach in order to become robust. And need to be embedded in society as a socio-technological system in itself. 

TU Delft PowerWeb Institute
In search of integral solutions for this changing energy market, three faculties at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) joined forces in the PowerWeb initiative. Our view on smart grids research comprises the integrated study of the underlying physical systems (hardware), the design of smart energy management systems (software), and the study of smart grids in relation to their societal and economic environment (peopleware). This will allow us to model and design ICT systems that integrate energy production and consumption services in a robust way.

The TU Delft PowerWeb Institute is one of energy pillars of the TU Delft Energy Initiative.

News and events

10 november 2021

TU Delft supercomputer available from January

TU Delft supercomputer available from January

In the course of January 2022, researchers, students and teaching staff will be able to make use of the computing power of the Delft High-Performance Computing Centre (DHPC) for resolving and modelling complex social problems. View the video for a glimpse behind the scenes and to discover the name of this supercomputer.

08 oktober 2021

TPM MOOC: Designing a Climate Neutral World: An Introduction

TPM MOOC: Designing a Climate Neutral World: An Introduction

On the 15th of November a new TPM MOOC will start in which professor Kornelis Blok will focus on designing a climate neutral world. Participants will learn about climate change strategies and are given basic tools used for evaluation alternative options for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.

24 september 2021

TU Delft maakt elektriciteitsnet future-proof

TU Delft maakt elektriciteitsnet future-proof

Om het elektriciteitsnet klaar te stomen voor de toekomst, is door de TU Delft, overheid en partners als TenneT, samen gebouwd aan een gloednieuw laboratorium: het Electrical Sustainable Power Lab, ook wel het ESP Lab genoemd. Vrijdagmiddag 1 oktober 2021 wordt het lab – ‘een duurzaamheidstempel van formaat’ – officieel in gebruik genomen.

24 juni 2021

Tackling the energy transition with the brand new Electrical Sustainable Power lab

Tackling the energy transition with the brand new Electrical Sustainable Power lab

The energy transition is the biggest societal challenge of this century. To achieve the climate targets, the Netherlands needs to generate much more solar and wind energy. But is our electricity grid even ready for this? Unfortunately not. To tackle this challenge, TU Delft has recently built a brand new lab, the Electrical Sustainable Power Lab (ESP Lab).

07 april 2021

Webinar: Raadplegen van burgers in de energietransitie

Webinar: Raadplegen van burgers in de energietransitie

Op 21 April, van 15:30 tot 17:00 wordt er een webinar over de energietransitie gehouden. De energietransitie raakt iedereen. Daarom is het belangrijk te weten wat de voorkeuren van de omwonenden zijn. In dit Webinar presenteren we twee recente voorbeelden die een verschil maakten met de nieuwe raadplegingsmethode participatieve waarde evaluatie (PWE).