TU Delft Debating Club

The TU Delft Debating Club is Delft’s student debating society. Every week they debate in teams against each other to practice for competitive debating tournaments. After some practice and the occasional workshop members have the opportunity to join local debate tournaments amongst fraternities and student associations, and European tournaments with the best debaters on the continent. As a student society, much time is spent on socialising together as well.

The meetings are in English, and members range from first year students to PhD candidates from all faculties and backgrounds.

Debating allows one to improve their public speaking and argumentation skills very quickly, a key competence for anyone.

How to join in or try it out once? Simply show up on Thursdays at 7pm in the TU Delft Library. To make sure you can find the right place and time, visit their Facebook page for more up to date information. For further details, check out their website, or send an email to debating@tudelft.nl