TU Delft Education Day 2023: Open Up - Bright Alone Brilliant Together

On Thursday, November 9th, the annual TU Delft Education Day took place, bringing together faculty members from various disciplines to explore and exchange insights under the theme 'Open Up: Bright Alone, Brilliant Together.' Organized by the Teaching Academy, this energizing day offered fresh perspectives and showcased the dedication of session leaders, speakers, and attendees in embracing the theme and cultivating connections within TU Delft's educational community.

The event's highlights included an inspiring keynote speech by Frits van Oostrom, an emeritus professor from the University of Utrecht, who discussed 'The Techie and the Fuzzy: The Case for More Open Academic Education.' Frits advocated for opening up disciplinary boundaries, challenging the idea that students should focus exclusively on their chosen field. This discussion aligns with TU Delft's commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration, student mobility, and collaborative education.

TU Delft's student Dream Team Emergence exemplified this vision in their closing keynote, highlighting their collaboration with students from the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague, emphasizing the value of a conceptual approach within an open and constructive learning environment.

In addition to inspiring keynotes, Education Day provided a platform to recognize outstanding TU Delft educators, with the announcement of four new Education Fellows and the Educator of the Year, Alessandro Bombelli.

The event also featured two rounds of interactive sessions led by TU Delft educators and facilitated connections among participants. To dive deeper into the keynote sessions, we invite you to watch the recordings and experience the essence of Education Day.

Watch the Aftermovie to get an impression of the day

Watch the Recordings of the Plenary Programme