Education day 2021, find out about the programme

Have you already registered for the TU Delft Education Day on Thursday 4 November?

The event which will take place in the Teaching Lab from 10:30 until 17:30 (walk-in 10:00) and can also be followed online via MS Teams.

The day will resolve around experimenting. Experimenting is fundamental to science and engineering and is an inherent part of education at TU Delft. Understanding what works in education and sharing our findings is essential to collaboratively enhance engineering education. Let’s build upon lessons learnt and experiment together during the TU Delft Education Day!

It promises to be an inspiring day full of presentations, sessions with shared practices by lecturers, a demo zone, all relating to experiments in the areas of Education Technology, Forms of Education and The Engineer’s Mindset. Get inspired by the plenary speakers of the day are Aldert Kamp (Co-Director CDIO), Manu Kapur (ETH Zurich) and Peter Pelzer & Jesse Hoffman (UU). And celebrate among others the newly appointed Education Fellows and the special achievements of and the Best Lecturers the Faculties, of which one of them will be elected as TU Delft’s Best Lecturer.

For more details, have a look at the overview of the day at the Teaching Academy website which will be further supplemented with information in the run-up to the event.

If you haven’t registered yet, please do so via this link and let us know if you want to join in the Teaching Lab or Online.