Using Stack Overflow for Q&A in a large course

Case owner Stefan Hugtenburg
Course Multiple. (Stack Overflow has been implemented in many courses in the Computer Science department)
Period Throughout entire programme
Group Size Stack Overflow works for any group size due to its high scalability
Tooling used  Stack Overflow (NB. Stack Overflow is a commonly used tool around the Internet, particularly (but not exclusively) in computer science communities. The instance we refer to in this case study is private to TU Delft students only.)
Media used Web application
Key words Gamification; Check understanding; Support with difficult assignments

Short summary

Stack Overflow is an authentic learning space (used commonly in the computer science community and beyond) which allows users (students) to ask questions, answer questions of their peers, and receive additional information and feedback from teachers.  As Stack Overflow is extremely common in the computer programming world, the aim is that using it (in a private environment) will allow students to gain support, build confidence and practise giving feedback to their peers in an authentic environment and prepare them for posting on the public instance of Stack Overflow in future during, for example, a programming job. Stack Overflow contributes to: 1) Better use of teacher time, 2) Improved student engagement, 3) A knowledge base that grows throughout the course (and, if desired, through repeated iterations of the course).