New website on ethics education for engineering students

Nieuws - 06 maart 2019 - Webredactie

The Ethics and Philosophy of Technology Section has launched a website which showcases the educational approach for teaching ethics to engineering students: The website not only shows what is on offer here, but also aims to inspire a wide, international audience of educational institutions interested in ethics.

About the website
The website shows our educational approach and its theoretical rationale and some of our educational methods tailored specifically for engineering education. It also provides an overview of several courses offered by our section, as well as some sample video lectures and a "how to" guide for those who may want to implement similar ethics programmes in their universities or educational institutions.

With this website we strive to increase the visibility of our section and the topic of ethics in engineering education to the wider educational community concerned with teaching ethics to engineering students. Ultimately we would like the name "The Delft method for teaching ethics to engineering students” to become a recognisable brand in the near future.