Ethiek / Filosofie van de Techniek

Overall mission of the Section

The overall mission of the Ethics and Philosophy of Technology Section is to contribute to the professional and academic education of future engineers and to conduct research into philosophical, in particular ethical, problems related to modern technology and its impact on society.

Research mission

Our research mission is to develop philosophical accounts that provide insights into how to achieve responsible innovation of technology, in order to contribute the quality of human life, to sustainability and to a fair allocation of risks and benefits. We develop philosophical and normative theories and approaches to study modern technology in its social context. We specifically focus on ethical investigations of risk analysis, -management and -communication as well as on the design, development and implementation of technical artefacts, systems and infrastructures.

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Teaching mission

On request of the board of TU Delft, the Ethics and Philosophy of Technology Section provides ethics teaching for all engineering programs at the University of Technology Delft, on all levels of education. The main topics of our courses relate to ethics and engineering, philosophy and methodology of science, technology and design, scientific integrity, argumentation theory and critical thinking.

Service to society and public outreach

The members of the Ethics/Philosophy Section are involved as advisors and/or members in several policy committees at national, EU, and UN levels. We are also active in the media, attempting to raise public awareness about the ethical and philosophical implications of technology. 


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