RHAPSODY - Recognition of HumAn PatternS of Optimal Driving for safetY of conventional and autonomous vehicles

Nieuws - 24 maart 2021 - Webredactie

RHAPSODY was granted under the Horizons 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie individual fellowships programme, and will be hosted at the section Safety & Security Science of TU Delft. The project aims to provide evidence for a shift of focus in driving behaviour analytics, targeting to identify not only the unsafe, but also the optimal driving.

Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques will be applied on existing European naturalistic driving data to identify different driver profiles and driving patterns, their rapid changes under different conditions and their variability over individual drivers and populations. Ultimately, RHAPSODY will recognize the benchmarks of optimal driving, and test their applicability for the improvement of the safety of both conventional drivers and human-mimic autonomous vehicles (AVs). The team consists of Dr.Dimitris Tselentis (Fellow) and Dr.Eleonora Papadimitriou (Supervisor).