Team members are shaping the conversation during Privacy Camp 24

Nieuws - 23 januari 2024 - Webredactie

Four of the team members of the Programmable Infrastructures Project are taking the stage during the Privacy Camp 24, hosted by EDRI in Brussels on Wednesday 24th January. Donald Jay Bertulfo, Corinne Cath, Thijmen van Gend, and Seda Gürses will share their insights on critical issues impacting human rights in the digital realm.

Corinne will be moderating the panel "Down with Datacenters: developing critical policy for environmentally sustainable tech in Europe." Join panellists from the UvA’s Critical Infrastructure lab, the Mozilla Foundation, the European Parliament party The Greens/EFA, and the Green Screen Coalition as they advocate for a shift towards eco-friendly tech policies that prioritize people and the planet over profit and capital.

Seda will lead the panel "Privacy is Big Business: How Big Tech instrumentalizes PETs to expand its infrastructural power." Donald and Thijmen, alongside colleagues from EPFL and the Irish Council for Civil Liberties, will explore how tech companies leverage privacy and privacy-enhancing technologies to expand their market and infrastructural power. Supported by Fondation Botnar, this panel will be livestreamed from 11:10-12:30h.