Material health monitoring

The focus of the group is the development and implementation of technologies and methodologies for monitoring, inspection and damage assessment based on integrated sensors during the manufacturing process and in-service operation of civil and other safety-critical structures. The acquired data in combination with advanced signal processing techniques can detect manufacturing defects, improve manufactured products, and provide in-service maintenance actions upon demand. This can reduce inspection time, waste and energy, and increase safety, resulting in positive economic and environmental impacts. Cement-based materials, metals (incl. steel) and composite materials are within the scope of research and education. The focus is on developing cost-effective and low-power sensing solutions (Visual, magnetic, piezoelectric and vibration) with non-contact communication:

  • Power-free visual sensors to detect overload and fatigue life
  • Multifunctional structures with self-sensing and load-carrying capacities
  • Multifunctional and flexible piezoelectric sensors permanently installed/embedded nodes
  • SHM integrated design and manufacturing

The group is responsible for the master course

“Durability of construction materials and infrastructure” where topics are: Degradation of concrete, metals, paint systems, wood, polymers and bitumen/asphalt; Maintenance technology, strategies and management quality systems and certification.