F. (Felix) Yanovsky


Graduated as Radio Engineer from National Aviation University (NAU), Kyiv, Ukraine. 
PhD (1979), DSc (habil), 1992, thesis topic: "Localization of dangerous for aviation meteorological phenomena on board an aircraft" (Kyiv). 
Second DSc, in Radar, Moscow, 1993. 
Professor at Electronics Department in NAU. Earlier served as Department Head (2008-2020), Professor at other departments in NAU (1999-2008). 
Professor at TU-Delft (2002-2003, 2015). 
Director of the ICAO European Regional Training Center (1998-2000), 
Top Scientist at IRCTR, TU-Delft (1996-1998).


Author, coauthor of more than 40 invention patents. Participant and team leader of more than 70 national and international projects, including joint projects with TU-Delft, The Netherlands; Teleoptic LTD, Ukraine; Research institute “Buran”, MON of Ukraine; University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna Austria; Sunchon National University (SCNU), Republic of Korea. 
Among research interests and achievement, the Doppler-polarimetric remote sensing of the atmosphere is one of the most important and favourite.

1. Yuliya Averyanova, Anna Rudiakova, and Felix Yanovsky, “Drop deformation estimate with multi-polarization radar,” International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, Cambridge University Press: 10 June 2020, pp. 1-8.
2. A.C.P. Oude Nijhuis, F.J. Yanovsky, O.A. Krasnov, C.M.H. Unal, H.W.J. Russchenberg, and A.Yarovoy, “Assessment of the rain drop inertia effect for radar-based turbulence intensity retrievals,” Internat. Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, (Cambridge University Press), 2016, No. 6, pp.11-21.
3. Yu. Averyanova, A. Averjanov, F. Yanovsky, “Doppler Polarization Radar Methods for Meteorological Applications,” IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Magazine, July 2014, Vol.29, No 7, pp. 64-73.
4. Yanovsky, F. “Inferring microstructure and turbulence properties in rain through observations and simulations of signal spectra measured with Doppler-polarimetric radars,” Book Chapter in: Polarimetric Detection, Characterization, and Remote Sensing, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, Springer, 2011, pp. 501-542.
5. D.N. Glushko, F.J. Yanovsky, “Analysis of differential Doppler velocity for remote sensing of clouds and precipitation with dual-polarization S-band radar,” International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, Cambridge University Press, 2010, Vol. 2, issue 3-4, pp. 391-398.
6. F.J. Yanovsky, C.M.H. Unal, H.W.J. Russchenberg, L.P. Ligthart, “Doppler-Polarimetric Weather Radar: Returns from Wide Spread Precipitation,” Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 2007, V. 66, Issue 8, pp. 715-727.
7. F.J. Yanovsky, H.W.J. Russchenberg, and C.M.H. Unal, “Retrieval of Information about Turbulence in Rain by Using Doppler-Polarimetric Radar,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Feb. 2005, Vol. 53, No 2, pp. 444 - 450.
8. F.J. Yanovsky, I.G. Prokopenko, and L.P. Ligthart, “Adaptive algorithms for radar detection of turbulent zones in clouds and precipitation,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2003, Vol. 39, No1, pp. 357-367.

More than 70 projects. The last project “Research on mathematical modelling and computer simulation of radar robust detection on the background of clutter”, Contract between NAU and The Department of Aerospace Engineering & Industry-Academy Cooperation Foundation of Sunchon National University of Korea, Republic of Korea, 2021. Project leader – F.J. Yanovsky.

Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, Hong Kong, (since 2017).
Editor of the special issue IEEE AES Magazine (Vol. 29, No 7), USA, 2014.
Editorial Board Member and Associate editor of the International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies (IJMWT), Cambridge University Press, UK, (since 2008) 
Member of editorial boards of journals in Ukraine (Bulletin of NAU, Electronics and Control Systems, and others).
Editor of IEEE Conference proceedings MRRS (2005 – 2020).

1. Nathan Blaunstein, Felix Yanovsky, Vladimir Yakubov, and Sergey Shipilov, “Detection of Live People in Clutter Conditions,” Book chapter in Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Tomography, pp. 281-293, Monograph, CRS Press Tailor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2018 (2019), 360 pp.
2. Aerospace Sensors, Monograph / A. Nebylov (editor); Chapter 3: F. Yanovsky and A. Nebylov, “Radar Altimeters,” pp. 55-88; Chapter 4: F. Yanovsky, “Autonomous Radio Sensors for Motion Parameters,” pp. 89-136, Momentum Press, USA, 2012.
3. F.J. Yanovsky, “Millimeter Wave Radar: Principles and Applications”, Book Chapter in: Millimeter Wave Technology in Wireless PAN, LAN, and MAN, Chapter 10, pp.305-376, Auerbach Publications CRC Press, 2008, 464 pp.
4. F.J. Yanovsky, Radar systems of aircraft. Approved by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as the Textbook for technical universities. Kiev: NAU Press, 688 pp., 2012 (in Ukrainian).
5. Aerospace Sensors, Monograph / A. Nebylov (editor); Chapter 3: F. Yanovsky and A. Nebylov, “Radar Altimeters,” pp. 55-88; Chapter 4: F. Yanovsky, “Autonomous Radio Sensors for Motion Parameters,” pp. 89-136, Momentum Press, USA, 2012.
6. N.S. Kulyk, V.P. Kharchenko, A.G. Kucher, F.J. Yanovsky et al. Encyclopedia of Aviation Safety, Tekhnika, Kyiv, Ukraine, 1000 pp., 2008 (in Russian).
7. V.P. Babak, V.P. Kharchenko, F.J. Yanovsky et al, Safety of Aviation (Monograph), Tekhnika, Kyiv, Ukraine, 584 pp., 2004 (in Ukrainian)
8. F.J. Yanovsky, Airborne weather radar systems (Meteonavigatsiyni radiolokatsiyni systemy povitryanykh suden), NAU-Press, Кyiv, Ukraina, 302 pp., 2003 (in Ukrainian).

Felix Yanovsky

  • Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
    Building 23
    Stevinweg 1 / PO box 5048
    2628 CN Delft / 2600 GA Delft

    Room number: 2.21/2.01

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